Category 2011

Are We Listening?

Posted on September 27, 2011 On August 23, the east coast of the United States was shaken by a sizeable 5.9 earthquake.  Although the quake was centered near Richmond, Virginia, it left its most significant mark on our nation’s capitol…

When God Judges a Nation

Written the week of July 4, 2011 Posted on July 22, 2011 On the morning of June 25, I had a very disturbing and vivid dream. In this full-color dream I was standing on our driveway with close friends when…

Watch Oil Prices

Three years ago, oil prices started escalating at a steady rate. By summer 2008, $4/gallon gas prices had begun tipping the scales of American households, forcing the housing bubble to burst. Families that were already stretched couldn’t afford the extra…

Is this the Beginning of Sorrows?

While Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, his disciples privately approached him wanting to know when his return and the end of the world would take place. Jesus answered, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many…

In Need of a Savior

As we venture into a new year, our nation and world are continuing to spiral downward in almost every area of significance. Whether on the economic, political, or religious front, there seems to be a mounting tidal wave of bad…