Who Will it Be?

Written on October 12, 2016

By Gary H. Kah

So, will it be Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, or Barack Obama – via Martial Law?


Over the course of the last few weeks as I have traveled around the country and overseas, I’ve been surprised by the number of people (at least a few dozen) who’ve asked me about the possibility of martial law being declared in the US either before or shortly after our national election. Individuals, both here and abroad, are more on edge about the upcoming vote than any presidential election I’ve witnessed in my lifetime. The stakes are high and the potential scenarios quite varied; some are unsettling.


Let’s walk through the possibilities.

Scenario #1: Hillary Clinton is elected. She assumes office in January 2017, and almost immediately pursues her liberal one-world agenda – using Executive Orders and PDDs (Presidential Decision Directives) when necessary to move us toward global government as quickly as possible. It would for all practical purposes be a continuation of Obama policies, except with even greater corruption and abuse of power.


The influence and determination of the Clinton machine must not be underestimated. A Clinton administration would be top heavy with professional evil-doers. Like Jezebel and Ahab, Hillary and Bill have become experts at making evil prosper and have surrounded themselves with like-minded comrades. Somehow, no matter what they do, they seem to get away with it. They are very good at being very bad!


Contrary to what some conservative pundits are saying about her mental capacity and administrative abilities, Hillary is anything but incompetent. In fact, she is extremely competent – competent in being effectively deceitful and manipulative in getting her way. One thing is certain: Our Constitutional Republic would continue to systematically unravel under her leadership.


A possible twist: What if her health deteriorates to where she would have to step down? In such an event, her partner Tim Kaine would be sworn in as president. Kaine is a Jesuit. In fact, he served as a Jesuit missionary in Central America before eventually going into politics. Imagine a Jesuit US President and a Jesuit Pope (Francis) in office at the same time – the New World Order “dream team.” Abraham Lincoln would turn in his grave! Believe it or not, this is a very real possibility.

Clinton/Kaine versus Trump/Pence – You’ll decide on Nov. 8th.

Scenario #2: Against all odds and despite his checkered past and his many gaffes and Trumpisms, Donald Trump wins the election. Even though he is not the most moral person to run for president, he appears to be a patriot who genuinely loves his country. If this is indeed the case, global insiders will be extremely tempted to create a crisis before Obama leaves office in January. Whether it is a natural catastrophe, economic turmoil, a massive terrorist (military or cyber) attack or an internal racial uprising, the situation could be fueled by the media and one-world money to where it becomes a perceived national emergency, worthy of declaring martial law. Obama would argue that he has no alternative under such circumstances but to remain in office “until” the country stabilizes. However, the “until” never happens. Instead, Obama seizes the opportunity to creatively force America into a world government system.


Citizen groups in Texas and other parts of the country bear arms, opposing this unconstitutional takeover, while Christians and politically conservative Jews are rounded up by foreign troops (already on American soil) and by domestic forces loyal to the Administration. Civil war and mass chaos erupt. Only God knows how it would end.

Scenario #3: Trump gets elected. One-world power brokers choose not to rock the boat; they actually allow him to take office, but for one purpose – to become the “fall guy.” Like Herbert Hoover who had been in office only a few months when the stock market crashed in 1929, yet took the blame for the collapse even though the greatest damage had been done before he became president, Trump is made the fall guy who is blamed for everything bad that suddenly manifests in the United States. Racial upheaval, economic disaster, or large-scale terror/military assaults are used to create chaos and bring America to her knees. What happens next is anyone’s guess.

Scenario #4: Trump becomes president. By the grace of God and His divine intervention, the powerful forces of evil seeking to bring our country to ruin are unable to succeed with their plans – at least not at this time. With the assistance of Vice-President Mike Pence, Trump surrounds himself with wise, intelligent advisors who help him make the right decisions. He appoints conservative Christian judges to the Supreme Court. America remains a free nation and begins to dig herself out of the mess she is in. Even though Trump receives great opposition and criticism from the Far-Left, he is able to navigate through the troubled waters with help from above – because people repented and cried out to God and pleaded with Him to intervene; so He did.

There are a myriad of other possibilities ranging from assassination attempts to calls for re-votes in certain states due to natural catastrophes (like hurricanes or earthquakes) making it difficult for some citizens to vote. Or, leaders of either party might argue the election was stolen from their candidate via the system being hacked; this would almost certainly result in serious unrest. Ultimately, only the Lord knows exactly how things will unfold.


For various reasons, I believe the period between now and the end of April will be very critical. If ever there was a time for Americans to cry out to God with repentant hearts and turn from their wicked ways in Nineveh-like fashion, it is now! God has been patient with America for many years – wooing and calling her people to repent. But, instead of turning from our sins, we, as a nation, have rushed headlong into even greater immorality, rejecting God’s ways for the pursuit of selfish and perverted pleasures. How much longer will He wait before He completely lifts His hand of protection from our country?

A Glimmer of Hope

This week, my wife and I participated in a prayer rally organized by Franklin Graham. The meeting took place on the lawn of our State Capitol in downtown Indianapolis. We were moved by the thousands of people who came to pray and intercede on behalf of our nation and state. Although I’m sure there were some curiosity seekers in the crowd, I got the impression that a vast majority of those present recognized the dire nature of our current situation and came to do business with God. While only a remnant of Indiana’s citizens attended, it was a sizeable remnant determined to touch the heart of God. We felt “unalone” and truly sensed the presence of the Holy Spirit.


Throughout the country, hundreds of thousands have gathered at Franklin’s prayer rallies and at other similar meetings sponsored by various church groups. A growing number of Americans see the “handwriting on the wall” and are finally waking up. Many are fasting and praying. Is it too little, too late? Or, will God respond to our cries, and intervene?


As I examine my own heart while seeking God’s ways, I have found comfort in the book of Psalms. Surrounded by evil forces, the psalmist wrote,

Whom have I in heaven but you? And being with you, I desire nothing on earth. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Those who are far from you will perish; you destroy all who are unfaithful to you. But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge… ― Psalm 73:25-28

Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit. The Lord sustains the humble but casts the wicked to the ground…the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love. ― Psalm 147:5-6, 11

I never want to bet against the Lord’s abundant mercy. How many times before has God, in His great mercy, seen fit to intervene during a dark moment in our nation’s history to foil the devil’s plans? Sometimes just one or two people in strategic positions – in the right place at the right time – can make the difference. I want to believe the Lord still has a few good men and women positioned in such places.

What We Must Do

In order for God to intervene and push back the forces of evil at this late stage, I believe there must be widespread repentance, beginning with His people. The Bible is replete with calls for repentance which must occur before God restores a nation. II Chronicles 7:14 is perhaps the best known such passage:

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Although these words were specifically directed at the Israelites, I believe the principle of repentance leading to restoration can be applied to other nations. History has borne this out. So the question is, Will America repent – quickly?! What about you individually? Please take the time to pray, asking the Lord to show you areas of your life that you have not fully surrendered to Him. Then confess your sins to the Lord and ask Him to help you overcome each of these weaknesses.


If you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord, I urge you to believe and trust in Him today. Only Jesus can save you from your sins and bring true life now and for eternity.


Once you have submitted your life to the Lord in a spirit of repentance, the most important thing you can do this fall is to GET OUT AND VOTE!


God in his sovereign grace, for multiple generations has permitted us to live in the freest nation on earth, giving us the special privilege of choosing our leaders. Many of our forefathers came to this land to escape religious persecution in other parts of the world, where they had little or no input in the direction of their countries, and therefore, their own future. In spite of America’s flaws, including the immorality that has escalated so dramatically in recent years, Christians still enjoy tremendous freedoms even now. However, these freedoms are being severely threatened by “progressives” on the Far-Left who, whether they realize it or not, are spiritually deceived vessels who have become Satan’s agents. If we do not vote, we forfeit our input in the political future of our country, yielding our rights to our greatest adversary. This is exactly what he wants. If he succeeds, our economic and religious freedoms will become increasingly limited, until they disappear.


Because the United States is now composed of more anti-Christian citizens than those who honor and serve the Lord, the only way that Christians can stem the tide politically is if every one of us fervently prays and then votes for the candidates who will best defend our Christian values and freedoms. In some congressional districts this will require a virtual 100 percent turn-out by conservatives. If you do not vote, you have no right to complain about the direction of our country. Remember, political/legal decisions directly impact the economic and spiritual well-being of a nation.


To help you be an informed voter, Franklin Graham and his team have created an excellent user-friendly guide which reveals where the presidential candidates stand on the major issues of concern to Christians. It is available on-line at https://billygraham.org/decision-magazine/september-2016/two-visions-two-americas/.


They have also produced a guide showing tight races between candidates running for the House and Senate and where each stands on the most important issues. One of these races may be in your state. This information is available at https://billygraham.org/decision-magazine/october-2016/every-vote-counts/.


Please understand, November 8th is about more than just electing a president. Also at stake are the positions of many members of the US Congress, as well as representatives in our state assemblies, local mayors, city council and education board members, and judges. I cannot overemphasize the importance of your vote, because there is so much at stake!


If you are reluctant about participating in the political process, please read the commentary below by Janet Parshall spelling out why Christians should vote. It is the best I’ve seen. Perhaps it will cause you to change your mind.


As we await the results and the potential fall-out from the upcoming election, our family will prepare for the worst while praying and hoping for the best. I encourage you to do the same. May God continue to be merciful to our nation!

Rights and Responsibilities

[Editor’s Note: One of my favorite Christian commentators is Janet Parshall on Moody Radio. A few weeks ago she shared the following insights on the importance of voting, quoting Dr. Bill Bright’s biblical counsel given many years ago.]

It’s that time again when the future citizens of heaven honor God by doing what’s expected of citizens of the United States. With voting day right around the corner, what are the duties of a Christian citizen?…


I came across a little booklet recently written by Dr. Bill Bright – the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ – originally published in 1976. I was surprised to read how appropriate his counsel was for Christians both then and now. As with all things in the believer’s life, our first step is to pray. We plead for revival in this country, but we fail to recognize that repentance must precede any major move of God. The directive to “pray without ceasing” must be applied to our Christian walk before, during and after any election season. The Word directs us to pray for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peacefully quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. When we pray, our leaders benefit as do we.


Dr. Bright also wanted to remind us to register to vote. He wrote, “To serve God as a citizen, you must become a regularly participating voter.” If you’re not registered, you can’t vote. He identified “voting as a matter of stewardship under God.” Over seven million Evangelical Christians didn’t vote in 2012, and the outcome of that election boiled down to 335,000 votes in four key swing states.


The third step Dr. Bright outlined was the need to be informed. The call to be wise and discerning only happens when we have been informed and done our homework. How about organizing or joining a community prayer group and share information with others with the newspaper in one hand and the Bible in the other?


Point four, Dr. Bright writes, is working to “elect men and women of God.” Remember there are many other candidates on the ballot besides the office of president. These are called down-ballot candidates and oftentimes these positions are more important as they represent the legislative and judicial branches of government whose decisions can impact generations. We tend to think real power resides in the Oval Office or on Capitol Hill, but city commissioners and school board members are often more impacting in our daily lives than those who serve in Washington DC.


Lastly, vote. Dr. Bright writes, “If you choose not to vote, you forfeit your moral right to decry the ungodly actions of your elected leaders. By not voting, you helped elect them. You bear the blame, and your children and your grandchildren will suffer for it.”


Dr. Bright ends his admonition to Christian citizens with a brief history lesson. He reminds us that the original signers of the Declaration of Independence were dedicated to freedom’s cause because they believed they were accountable to God and responsible to their fellow man. When we fail to participate in the voting process we risk losing the freedom to let our voices be heard and we fail to honor God. In 1976, Dr. Bright wrote, “America is now faced with its greatest crisis in history. If you consider yourself a follower of Jesus, now is the time to act.” I couldn’t agree more! That’s my opinion. I’m Janet Parshall.

(Source: “Rights and Responsibilities,” Janet Parshall Commentary, September 30, 2016, http://www.moodyradio.org/Janet-Parshall-Commentary/2016/9-30-2016—Rights-and-Responsibilies/)