By Gary H. Kah
Everything is moving at breakneck speed. Events that used to unfold over a period of months, or even years, are now happening in a matter of days. I am finding it difficult to write this article when things in the political, economic and military realms are changing by the hour. But this is the world we are living in – thanks to Smartphones, social media, and Deep State control of the mass media and much of the Internet. Strategic propaganda put forth through these channels can alter and sway public opinion in an instant. The prophet Daniel was told by the angel that knowledge would increase at a rapid pace during the end times (Daniel 12:4). Current events are certainly bearing this out.
Knowing how to prepare our families for hard times is especially challenging when the ground is constantly shifting beneath our feet. That’s why it is so important to keep our eyes focused on the Lord, as only He can keep our hearts at peace in times like these. Jesus Himself must be our stability. No one else can provide peace of mind and assurance of our eternal destiny; only Jesus can do so.
The 2024 Election
Here in the US we are just weeks away from a political event of enormous consequence. Not since the 1860s has our nation been so divided. We are not only divided, but greatly deceived. A huge percentage of our populace has fallen for the propaganda of Socialists who have cleverly seduced tens of millions of Americans with their empty promises and lies. The fact is Socialists dedicated to a globalist anti-Christ agenda are now firmly in control of most of our government agencies. There appears to be no going back. History has shown that once Socialists are in power they stay in power – by force if necessary.
Venezuela is a prime example. This once prosperous nation came under socialist leadership when Hugo Chavez became president in 1999. He wasted no time in turning the country on its head, nationalizing entire industries and putting them under his administration’s direct control, while eliminating personal freedoms and the free enterprise system that had enabled Venezuela to excel. When Chavez met his Maker in 2013, his accomplice Nicolas Maduro stepped in and continued on the same path, completely destroying whatever was left of the country’s once vibrant economy.
On July 28, Venezuelans tried to oust Maduro, preventing him from serving a third 6-year term. The opposition candidate, Edmundo Gonzalez, received more than double the votes of Maduro in what was a landslide victory over his Marxist rival. Despite this overwhelming vote against socialism by the desperate Venezuelan people, Maduro declared victory and remains in power. He and his henchmen have spent the past month rounding up the opposition and placing them under house arrest. Think it can’t happen here?

Freedom versus Socialism. No matter what obstacles you may face, GET OUT AND VOTE!
Unfortunately the United States is on a track very similar to Venezuela. Socialism has been made fashionable. The media has made its ideals – presented in the name of compassion and tolerance – sound appealing. And, now that far-leftist Joe Biden has been forced out, Kamala Harris – who is even more radical – has become the new face of America’s socialist movement. The inner sanctum of globalist handlers has anointed her to be their next political puppet, with the goal of dismantling whatever good is left of America and forcing us into their anti-Christian new world order.
We have seen this move coming for a long time. Even before the election of 2020, I had become aware that Harris was the real choice for President by top globalists – as unlikely as that may seem to some Conservatives. However, they could not get around Joe Biden who felt entitled to the presidency and had enough “old school” Democrats on his side to pull it off; so the global elite worked through Harris and other operatives they placed within the White House to push their extreme agenda, only dumping Biden once he was no longer useful to them and had become a liability.
In our Fall 2020 Election issue I wrote the following paragraphs as a warning to our readers:
It is clear that Joe Biden has become a mere figurehead for the far-left Socialists who now commandeer the Democratic Party. Their real champion is Kamala Harris – a hardcore liberal Socialist who is entirely dedicated to the climate change/pro-UN/one-world agenda. If the Democrats win, Harris and her behind-the-scenes accomplices, not Biden, will be in charge. Things in the US would drastically change. There would be no turning back this time as the number of ultra Liberals in the US is growing, thanks to the combined efforts of leftist university professors, the social and conventional media, Hollywood, hi-tech moguls, and Millennial followers of BLM and AOC, the majority of whom are dedicated Socialists.
While the youthful Ocasio-Cortez is making her mark within the leftist Socialist movement, for now at least Kamala Harris is the favorite darling of the far-left elites. Two years ago, in our Fall 2018 issue I wrote the following as a “heads up” to our readers:
“Keep your eyes on California Senator Kamala Harris. She is a rising star within the Democratic Party and is rapidly gaining popularity among Millennials. She is attractive, intelligent, well-spoken – and extremely liberal. Some political insiders believe she has her eyes on the White House…In order to become her party’s nominee, she would have to first overcome some of the older establishment Liberals such as Joe Biden.”
Well, she’s almost there. If the Biden/Harris team wins, she will be only one heartbeat, or mini-stroke, away from being our Commander-in-Chief. For a while last year, she was closing in on the lead in the polls; but then during one of the prime time debates she made the mistake of revealing her true self by demonstrating her vicious side. As a result, she lost momentum. Nonetheless, the far-left elite found a way to get her on the ticket. They are betting that the country will vote for her if she is teamed up with a perceived moderate.
If Biden and Harris pull off this win, it is very likely that she will become president sometime during the first term. There is no way that Joe Biden can endure the pressures of the White House for four years given his mental and physical state. But even if he could, he would be a puppet. Harris would be running the show. More accurately, it would be her most powerful socialist backers who’d be calling the shots through her.
(Excerpts from “A Nation at War…Almost,” Fall 2020 Issue of Hope for the World Update, p.1.)
Kamala Harris is a lot of things, but stupid she is not. Although she is not gifted in fielding on-the-spot questions and is notorious for her “word salads,” one does not get to where she is without being very calculating and wholly committed to the agenda of the global socialist insiders. She is completely sold out to the one-world cause. Her choice of globalist Tim Walz, the most far-left governor in the country, as her VP running mate says a lot.
Kamala’s constant cackling, I believe, serves as an artificial cover for her true vicious disposition. Close to 90 percent of her original staff members, despite being leftist liberals like her, quit their jobs. They couldn’t handle working for her; they couldn’t put up with her condescending treatment. Kamala is known to be harsh and demeaning – witch-like if you will. But in public she effectively puts on a friendly, non-threatening face.
Donald Trump
Then there’s Trump, a man who loves this country and is an open book (what you see is what you get). We would agree with most of his policies, which uphold our Constitution, promote free enterprise, and defend our borders. However, he is his own worst enemy. His constant rambling, name calling, and degrading childish remarks cause many who would normally support him to detest him – to the point of not voting for him. I have met a number of solid conservative Christians who are refusing to vote for Trump. They won’t be voting for Harris either. But they just can’t bring themselves to vote for someone as brash and boastful as Trump, even if they agree with him on most issues.
Donald Trump would have at least 5 percent more votes if he could simply tame his tongue. But this seems virtually impossible for him to do. After the assassination attempt, he appeared to change his demeanor, but it only lasted for a few days. He quickly returned to his usual self. It’s as if he can’t help himself. Trump will be Trump; but his provocative taunting of opponents – particularly at his rallies and press conferences – could cost him the election. He won’t attract the new voters he needs to win, if he keeps it up. He needs to stick to the issues! (Most recently, in the last few days, Trump has come across more presidential, focusing more on policy and less on petty personal attacks. Hopefully this will continue.)
Right now the election is too close to call. Trump has fallen behind in some key swing states but retains a slight edge overall. Women voters favor Harris by almost a 2 to 1 margin (approximately 62 to 35 percent). This presents a huge problem for Trump, especially since women have outvoted men in every election since 1980. In order to overcome this obstacle he will have to secure half of the Hispanic vote and an increased number of Black voters, along with carrying around 70 percent of white males – a very tall order. In this extremely tight race, the outcome could depend on the political weight carried by RFK, Jr. who recently ended his own campaign to endorse Trump. (If I were Trump, I would offer Kennedy the headship of the CIA or the Justice Department, or appoint him as America’s top health official, once elected.)
My belief is that unless Trump is ahead by at least 3 or 4 percent in a given state going into the election, he will invariably lose that state because of all the clever tactics and maneuvering the Socialist Establishment is able and willing to employ. They have a lot of tricks up their sleeve and will do anything to win. If the race stays close and they believe Trump might win, one of their options may include sentencing the former President to jail or even trying to “take him out” a second time. At this point, I wouldn’t put anything past them. I strongly encourage you to pray for God’s protection over Donald Trump and Bobby Kennedy, both of whom are putting their lives on the line for our nation. Pray for JD Vance as well.
Manipulating Crisis Events
Nothing can be ruled out between now and January. Given the volatile state of things here and abroad, we must be prepared for sudden changes on a variety of fronts. The list of potential crises that can quickly be brought to a head by globalist powers is long. They are not without options.
If by late September they are unable to significantly reduce Trump’s popularity or remove him from the ticket, I believe they may take further drastic measures that could lead to martial law. The powers that be could manipulate our country into World War III, crash the stock market, introduce a new pandemic, or enable a terrorist attack – possibly targeting our power grid – among other things. If however, the Harris/Walz ticket keeps momentum and appears to be on a path to victory, they may allow the race to play out, knowing that they still have two months after the election to pull off “a surprise” in case their candidates lose.
There is another possibility. What if Trump and Vance are victorious against all odds? Would the Socialist Establishment bring the house down right after the election, or might they wait until Trump is actually reinstalled, then unleash chaos and havoc on all fronts? This latter tactic would place the blame for all the calamity on Trump and those who voted him back into power. This would be the Socialists’ retribution against Trump and his freedom-loving “Deplorables” for opposing them. But would they be willing to risk Trump returning to the White House?
Wars and Rumors of Wars
While Americans are captivated by a heated political race, conflicts overseas are poised to escalate into much larger, more threatening wars. The Ukrainian military has crossed into Russia and taken control of a number of villages. This offensive measure, made possible by weapons and tactical support from the US, has heightened tensions and moved us a big step closer to WWIII. Meanwhile tensions between Israel and Iran and its proxies are at an all-time high. The possibility for sudden escalation into a large scale war is growing. If the globalist powers that be need these wars to expand in order to achieve their purposes, then things will escalate further, unless God intervenes.

Israeli & Ukrainian soldiers prepare for further conflicts
The United Nations is just one step away from being able to seize control over all its member nations – including the US – in the event of an international emergency. A major terror attack on the United States and our allies resulting from an expanding overseas conflict is one crisis that could trigger the UN’s long-awaited power grab. By the time you read this, the UN may have started its Summit of the Future in New York. Depending on the outcome of this Summit and what agreement(s) are ratified, we may be set up for a globalist/Marxist takeover. Please take some time to review our briefing on the Summit of the Future which follows this article; then prayerfully take whatever measures the Lord directs you to take.
It is impossible to know exactly what the next few months will bring. We must continue to hope and pray for the best, while preparing for the worst – spiritually and physically. We can take comfort in knowing that nothing catches God off guard. If we abide in Him, He will steer us through whatever comes our way.
Interceding for Our Nation
Recently I had the privilege of being invited by a network of Christian prayer ministries to lead our nation in prayer, specifically in regard to the corruption and malevolent intentions of those in high positions. This prayer is set to be aired on various Christian radio networks on day 24 of the “40 Days of Prayer” leading up to our national election. Please fervently pray this prayer or a similar prayer using your own words. We as followers of Jesus Christ must do what we can to stand in the gap on behalf of our nation. This must include repentance and prayer.
Father God, our country is in DEEP trouble! We desperately need and long for your divine intervention.
So, we ask you Lord God to expose and bring to light the corruption and the deception of the socialist/anti-Christian agenda being perpetrated by so many of our government leaders, both at the national as well as state levels. Root out this evil and wickedness oh Lord, that the truth would prevail. Cause confusion among our adversaries so that they might not be able to advance their malicious intentions. Nothing is impossible for you Lord; We believe that!
Lord God, give us (your children) an extra measure of discernment as we cast our votes in a few days. Show us which candidates are most aligned with your precepts and our biblical values and beliefs. Help us Lord, to vote with the godly wisdom that only you can provide.
Oh God please turn our country back to you and have mercy on us. We pray these things with repentant hearts, devoted and surrendered to you.
In the mighty, all-powerful name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.
(To be aired on October 20th throughout the United States, and posted at ■
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” — Matthew 19:26