2025: A Look Ahead

By Gary H. Kah

After a time of celebration by Conservatives over the Trump-led victory in November, reality is beginning to set in. Approximately 93 percent of Washington DC residents voted for the Harris/Walz ultra-left ticket. The pro-Marxist “Deep State” federal bureaucracy is entrenched in our nation’s capital. The CIA, FBI/Justice Department, and Military Industrial Complex (including much of the DOD) have been calling the shots behind the scenes for decades. They, together with the Federal Reserve and their big bank allies, are the ones running the country. Will they throw up a white flag and simply surrender their network of power that they have so carefully put in place?…Highly unlikely! At the very least, they’ll do extensive damage control.

As I am writing this, we are still several weeks from Donald Trump being sworn in as our 47thPresident. Much can happen between now and January 20th. Based on Trump’s Cabinet selections, the powers that be understand he means business. On day one he will become the “Disruptor-in-Chief” – assuming he is able to take office. We must continue to pray for his safety and also for God’s protection of his Cabinet nominees, and that no dark forces will be able to prevent them from taking their rightful positions.

The Trump administration, once in place, will face enormous challenges on numerous fronts. Dismantling the corrupt federal agencies, securing our borders, opposing the UN’s globalist agenda, and diffusing the march toward World War III (if not too late) will be at the top of the list. Trump’s first challenge, however, will be getting his Cabinet nominees approved. He has assembled a powerful team. Will the Senate block some of his choices? The Administration will only have about 18 months to implement change before the focus shifts to the Mid-terms. So time is of the essence.

Trump’s early Cabinet picks to protect our border

At the national level President Trump will move quickly to increase domestic energy production, even attempting to make the US a net exporter of oil and natural gas. His main goal will be to make the US non-dependent on foreign energy. This is a matter of national security. Equally important to our nation’s security is stopping the influx of illegal migrants across our borders and arresting/deporting illegals with a criminal record. This is where things are bound to get ugly.

Conflict and Strife

Most of our country’s big city mayors are hardcore Leftists. Some of the most extreme actors are the mayors of Chicago, Denver, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Atlanta, Boston, Philadelphia and Washington DC. In fact, there are only a handful of Republican mayors remaining in the United States. Marxists began targeting our cities several decades ago and today practically own them – through the mayors, city councils, and Soros-backed and funded DAs (District Attorneys) who they have successfully installed. These intentionally soft-on-crime Leftists will vehemently oppose any efforts by Trump to depose illegals from “their turf.” The battle between sanctuary cities and the Trump administration will become particularly intense, possibly to the point of physical conflict. In some cases this could include entire states, if governors back their big city mayors.

We can be almost certain that the major globalist foundations will “fuel the fire” by funding civil unrest in the form of riots, mass looting, and other criminal behavior – all in the name of defending “the helpless.” The media will do everything in their power to cast illegal immigrants as victims…in order to pull at the heartstrings of the American people. Will Americans have the moral backbone to stand firm for the sake of our nation’s security and future? We must pray that citizens will apply the necessary peaceful pressure that will cause mayors and governors to back down, allowing common sense to prevail.

A related area of concern that will present another colossal challenge for the Trump administration is the child sex-trafficking industry. Under Biden, more than 300,000 children who have been brought into our country illegally by the Cartels are unaccounted for. They have simply vanished. It is widely believed that the largest number of them have been made sex slaves. This is an abomination of the highest order that cannot be tolerated.

The perpetrators of this great evil must be rooted out – along with the perverts who indulge in such satanic behavior! However, this will not be easy because of the many blackmailable politicians who I believe are themselves involved in these despicable practices. We need to pray for President Trump’s presumptive team – including Tom Homan, Director of ICE (US Immigration and Customs Enforcement); Kristi Noem, Director, Department of Homeland Security; and Kash Patel, Director of the FBI who will be heavily involved in taking on these forces. This is a matter that is close to God’s heart!

UN Power Grab

Meanwhile, the United Nations is continuing its conniving ways, and has effectively set the stage to seize control of the United States (and other member countries) through the declaration of a future emergency, whether fake or real. Toward that end, on September 22-23, the Summit of the Future was held at the UN in New York. At that time, the Pact for the Future was presented and ratified. This rubber stamp process took less than five minutes. The outcome allegedly was predetermined and had been decided last March.

This Pact creates a mechanism for the United Nations to override our national sovereignty and take control in the event of an emergency. Could such an “emergency” be instigated before Trump takes office? Any type of contrived crisis could suffice for the UN to declare a state of emergency and implement its globalist agenda. An economic or climate crisis, an event in outer space, a “sudden” pandemic, a digital connectivity disruption, or an act of terror or military aggression are just a few of the events that could be used to trigger an emergency declaration by the UN Secretary General. So acts of terror and other forms of aggression (cyber or physical) cannot be ruled out leading up to, or after, Trump’s inauguration. Therefore we must, as followers of Christ, remain vigilant and in a state of prayer for our nation. (See the next article in this issue, by Robert Williams, for more details regarding the results of the recent Summit.)

Hostility Toward Israel

Many people, including myself, hope that a Trump presidency might lead to at least a semblance of temporary peace in the Mideast. However, tensions continue to run high in Gaza and in southern Lebanon where Israel is contending with Hamas and Hezbollah. Nearby, the current upheaval in Syria is creating additional instability as Bashar al-Assad, Russia’s top ally in the region, has been forced from power by Islamist rebels with close ties to ISIS. What does this latest development mean for Russia, which maintains strategic naval and air bases inside Syria? Will it surrender these long held posts, or will this Syrian uprising draw Russia deeper into Middle East politics and conflicts, forcing Putin to fight on two fronts – the other being Ukraine? Either way, Syria is likely to remain a place of contention for Israel, while possibly becoming more dangerous for Christians.

Then there’s Iran, which the Biden administration restored to power by reopening its cash pipeline. As a result of the lifted sanctions, Iran has been able to pour billions of dollars of oil money into funding terrorism throughout the region. This was all avoidable, which leads me to conclude that the Administration’s actions were intentional, aimed at producing regional instability which has in turn led to increased hatred toward Israel – which is routinely blamed for everything. Quite predictable!

All of this has set the stage for a global resurgence of hatred not only toward Israel, but Jews in general. Sadly, religious leaders are often the ones leading the condemnation. The pro-UN head of the Roman Catholic Church is at the forefront of this assault. Pope Francis recently called for an investigation “to determine if Israel’s attacks in Gaza constitute genocide.”1 Excerpts revealing the Pope’s beliefs and intentions were floated out in November ahead of a new book release. The book, by Hernán Reyes Alcaide is based on interviews with the Pope and is entitled “Hope never disappoints. Pilgrims towards a better world.”2

The book was timed to be released ahead of the Pope’s 2025 jubilee. According to AP World News, “Francis’ yearlong jubilee is expected to bring more than 30 million pilgrims to Rome to celebrate the Holy Year.”3 What further actions targeting Israel will Pope Francis call for during that time?

The Pope’s sentiments and outspoken remarks against Israel over the past 14 months have been echoed by other Catholic groups, such as Pax Christi USA which has played a key role in the BDS movement, “calling for boycott and divestment from companies that support Israel’s military oppression of Palestinians.”4 The organization openly condemns what it calls the “plausible genocide” of Palestinians.5 This comes despite the fact that the ratio of civilian deaths to the deaths of militant fighters has been among the lowest in recent military history and despite the fact that Hamas has situated many of its posts/command centers in hospitals and near schools. Furthermore, in 2006 a vast majority of Palestinians in Gaza (well over 60 percent) voted Hamas into power, in support of Hamas’ open promise to utterly destroy and annihilate Israel and Jews if elected. This violent regime has been attempting to make good on that promise ever since. Hamasis a terrorist organization. Aren’t the people who support such a regime of death and destruction accomplices, and therefore terrorists themselves?

Where have Pope Francis and UN Secretary General Guterres been when it comes to denouncing the terror campaigns of Islamic radicals? Instead, they consistently target Israel. A fact: The United Nations has issued more resolutions of condemnation against Israel over the past few decades than against all the other countries and political factions of the world combined.

Where is the American Church?

According to the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, “A total of ten major US denominations…are now materially participating, to some degree, in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which aims to hold Israel accountable to international law.”6 These include the Alliance of Baptists, Church of the United Brethren in Christ, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Mennonite Church USA, Presbyterian Church USA, Roman Catholic Church, Unitarian Universalist Association, United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church, as well as the World Communion of Reformed Churches (a confederation that overlaps some of the above).7 The Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America have taken more limited measures opposing Israel.8 The above churches are either members of the World Council of Churches or generally aligned with many of the Council’s positions. The WCC has been funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and has consistently marched in step with the UN’s one-world agenda; it has also drawn into a closer alliance with the Vatican.

As in Nazi Germany, some churches and pastors today are turning against Jews.

Not only are some Christians condemning Israel while refusing to denounce the actions of Hamas, Hezbollah and other terror groups, but they are applauding the International Criminal Court’s efforts to prosecute Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, for war crimes. The ICC has long served as a pro-global government stooge for the United Nations and its one-world allies. It ostracizes leaders who oppose globalist/Marxist enterprises and support the sovereignty of nations. If anything, it is the ICC that should be investigated for promoting a hidden agenda that is dangerous to the people of the world.

Israel is far from perfect – just like the United States and our other allies. But when all of the deceptive globalist powers – like the UN, ICC, pro-world government foundations, etc. – consistently oppose Israel while supporting her enemies, shouldn’t this in itself make us want to stand with Israel?

I see how nominal, mainline Christians can be duped into hating the Jewish people and Israel, as they have become surrounded – sometimes unwittingly – by globalist propaganda machines. They’ve been subjected to false narratives day in and day out, which have shaped their views. My greater concern is with the growing number of Evangelicals who are turning against Israel. Some of these same Christians – who are generally opposed to the Soros-Rockefeller foundations, the United Nations, and other globalist adversaries working for the surrender of our nation’s sovereignty – are nonetheless willing to denounce Israel, the number one target of these same sinister forces. This makes no logical sense. It tells me that there is an underlying hatred and disdain for the Jewish people among many Christians – perhaps even as many as 20 percent of Evangelicals. The fact that more Christians haven’t spoken out against the virulent pro-Hamas/anti-Israel protests occurring in our country since October 2023 speaks volumes.

While logic and world history alone should provide sufficient reasons to support Israel, the number one reason for Christians to pray for and support the revived Jewish state and its people is because God Himself calls us to do so. More than 50 passages of Scripture provide prophetic details of how the Jewish people would be regathered to their homeland in the Last Days. Isaiah 43:5-6 and 49:22 along with Ezekiel 36:16-28 are just a few of the potent Old Testament passages relevant to this topic and our times. In the New Testament I encourage you to read Romans 11:11-19, which provides a theological summary of God’s position regarding the Jews. I went into depth on this topic in my article “Why I Stand with Israel” published in December 2023 and recently posted on our website (www.garykah.org).

A courageous man who had the moral fortitude to stand in opposition to Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Regime once said, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil.” God used that man, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, to call attention to the atrocities being committed by Hitler and his followers. His stance encouraged and emboldened many others, including some German soldiers, to speak out against the evil being perpetrated. Eventually Hitler and the Nazis were defeated.

Are there enough men and women in America today who like Bonhoeffer are willing to give their all to the Lord and stand for righteousness? If not us, then who? We, the followers of Christ, are His ambassadors; and He has called us to be “salt” and “light” until He returns (Matthew 5:13-16). We are to influence the world for good and exemplify the love of God in Christ. This includes standing up against, and calling out evil.

Hope and Encouragement

No matter what the coming year holds – and there are certain to be surprises – we can rest in the fact that our God is, and will be, with us. Deuteronomy 31:8 reminds us of God’s personal direction and oversight of our lives:

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

This promise of God, which Jesus reiterates in Matthew 28:20 (“And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age.”) should give us a sense of true peace and serenity as we face the uncertain times ahead.

The early Church faced intense persecution and yet was able – through it all – to maintain a triumphant, tenacious, battle-tested joy. How was this possible? They knew their Lord and walked humbly in daily obedience to Him; and they trusted His promises – both for this life and for eternity. As we follow their example, let us be resolute and unshakeable in our commitment to the Lord and His call to stand firm. ■

For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love and of a sound mind.

 — 2 Timothy 1:7



1 “Pope Francis calls for investigation to determine if Israel’s attacks in Gaza constitute genocide,” AP World News, Giada Zampano, November 15, 2024.

2 Ibid.

3 Ibid.

4 “Christian orgs call for boycott and divestment of companies supporting Israel’s military oppression of Palestinians,” Pax Christi USA, May 13, 2024.

5 Ibid.

6 “Ten U.S. Churches Now Sanction Israel – To Some Degree, and with Caveats,” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Steven Sellers Lapham, March/April 2019, pp. 51-53, (posted on February 12, 2019.)

7 Ibid.

8 Ibid.

Have You Trusted Jesus as Savior?

God loves mankind – his greatest creation. His perfect will is for all to be saved and none to be lost (John 3:15-18, 5:24). However, He makes clear that only those who have accepted (believed in) His divine Son, Jesus Christ, will be spared from the punishment of hell and will spend eternity with Him (Matthew 10:28 & II Peter 2:4-10).

If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you must believe that Jesus is who He says He is and that He paid the penalty for your sins with His death on a cross. Accept His free gift of eternal life which He can offer because He conquered death through His resurrection. Then, with the help of His Holy Spirit, turn from your old ways of living (repent) and follow Him. Take a moment and tell the Lord that you desire to receive Him into your life and ask His Holy Spirit to dwell inside of you and lead you into all truth.

Once you have settled this most important matter, be devoted in your relationship with the Lord. Spend time with Him by reading His Word (the Bible) and talking to Him (praying) daily. As you grow in His grace, He will direct you and open doors showing you how best to serve Him. With Jesus at the helm, your life and eternity are secure in His care. No situation or power of the enemy will be able to separate you from the love of Christ!

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?… No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

—Romans 8:35, 37-39